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PRIVACY POLICY pursuant to GDPR 679/2016

Data controller: Primavera International S.r.l.  (hereinafter “Owner”), with registered office in via Rovere n. 7 Acquafredda  (BS).
pursuant to articles 4 and 28 of the legislative decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 - Privacy Code (hereinafter, "Code") and articles 4, n. 7) and 24 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter, "Regulation") pursuant to article 13 of the Code and of the Regulation informs that for the establishment and execution of ongoing relationships with you, you have personal data (personal and fiscal).
In order to comply with the obligations established by the Code and community regulations regarding privacy in relation to your data, we invite you to take note of the following information and consent to the processing of personal data that our company will acquire.

We only collect information that is necessary, relevant and appropriate for the purpose for which it is provided. The information we collect may include some or all of the following:

  • Identity Data: first name, last name, username or similar identifier and title.

  • Contact information: billing address, delivery address, email address and telephone numbers.

  • Financial Data: Bank account and payment card details collected solely for the purpose of completing your purchase.

  • Transaction Data: Payment details and other details about products and services purchased or sold.

  • Profile data: purchases or orders made, any social profiles (if applicable), preferences, feedback, communications and responses to internal surveys, password and username, if applicable (customer portal).

  • Usage Data: information about how the website, products and services are used.

  • Marketing and communications data: preferences in receiving marketing and third-party communications and communication preferences.

  • Technical data: IP (Internet Protocol) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location of browser plug-ins, types and versions, operating system and platform and other technologies on devices used to access company websites.

Only the information necessary for the following purposes is processed:

  1. Operational management and purposes strictly connected to this for access to the website.

The Company collects contact, financed and website usage data to allow the user to access the Personal Area, where present, and proceed with orders of the products and/or services concerned.
Prerequisite for processing: fulfillment of contractual obligations.
The provision of data is mandatory to respond to your requests; otherwise we will not be able to proceed.

  1. Customer Satisfaction surveys

The Company may use the contact data to conduct surveys aimed at measuring the level of satisfaction (so-called customer satisfaction) with the service provided.
Prerequisite for processing: consent. failure to provide it does not have consequences on contractual relationships.
Consent can be revoked at any time by writing to the following address:

  1. Marketing

The Company may process the contact data for marketing and advertising communication purposes, aimed at informing the User about promotional sales initiatives, carried out through automated contact methods (email, SMS and other mass messaging tools, etc.) and traditional contact methods (for example, telephone calls with an operator) or for market research and statistical surveys.
Prerequisite for processing: consent. Failure to provide the same does not have consequences on contractual relationships.
Consent can be revoked at any time by writing to the following address:

  1. Compliance with legally binding requests to fulfill a legal obligation, regulations or provisions of the judicial authority, as well as to defend a right in court

The Company collects contact data to fulfill a legal obligation and/or to defend its rights in court
Prerequisite for processing: legal obligations, which the Company is obliged to comply with.

We do not share information with third parties, however, we may from time to time disclose information to the following categories of companies or organizations to whom we pass responsibility for managing services on our behalf: support service providers, customer contact centers, agencies and consultants direct marketers, market research and market analysis service providers, legal consultants and other professionals.
We work to ensure that all third party partners who handle information comply with data protection legislation and protect your information just as we do. We communicate to them only the personal information STRICTLY necessary to provide the service they are undertaking on our behalf.
We will anonymize information or use specific aggregated datasets where possible.

We do not store personal information in an identifiable format for longer than necessary.
For customers or suppliers, we retain personal information for a longer period than when processing potential customers/suppliers.
In the case of an ongoing relationship (for example a customer), we retain personal information for 10 years from the date of the last transaction carried out, in order to establish, bring or defend any legal claims in court.
Promotional and marketing information will be retained for a maximum period of 24 months.

The personal data we collect may be transferred to, and stored in, a destination outside the European Economic Area (EEA), for the purposes described above. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your personal data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and data protection legislation. To the extent that it is necessary to transfer personal data outside the European Union, we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect the privacy and integrity of that data, including the European Union Model Clauses under the Article 46 “Transfer subject to adequate guarantees”.

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