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Deliveries are made to the address indicated by the user and in the manner indicated in the order summary.

Upon delivery, users must check the contents of the package and promptly report any anomalies to the contact details given in this document or as described in the delivery note. Users may refuse to accept the package if it is visibly damaged.

Delivery can take place in the countries or territories specified in the relevant section of this application.

Delivery times are indicated on this application or during the purchase procedure.

Delivery failure

The owner is not responsible in any way for any delivery errors resulting from inaccuracies or omissions committed by the user in completing the purchase order, nor for any damage or delays occurring after delivery to the courier if the latter has been appointed by the courier. ' user.

In the event that the goods are not delivered or collected at the time or within the established deadline, they will be returned to the owner, who will contact the user to schedule a second delivery attempt or agree on further measures.

Unless otherwise specified, any delivery attempt starting from the second will be at the user's expense.


Right of withdrawal

Unless an exception applies, you may have the right to withdraw from the contract within the period specified below (usually 14 days) for any reason and without justification. The user can find further information on the right of withdrawal in this section.

Who enjoys the right of withdrawal

Where one of the exceptions listed below does not apply, users acting as European Consumers enjoy by law the right to withdraw from contracts concluded online (distance contracts) within the period of time specified below for any reason and without the need for justification.

Users who do not meet these requirements do not have the rights described in this section.

Exercise of the right of withdrawal

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the user must send the Owner an unequivocal communication of his intention to withdraw from the contract.
To this end, the user can use the standard withdrawal form found in the definitions section of this document. The user is, however, free to express his intention to withdraw from the contract in any other suitable form. In order to respect the period within which the right must be exercised, the user must send the withdrawal declaration before the withdrawal deadline expires.

When does the withdrawal deadline expire?

  • In the case of the purchase of goods, the withdrawal period expires 14 days from the day on which the user or a third party - appointed by the latter and other than the courier - takes possession of the goods.

  • In the case of the purchase of multiple goods ordered together but delivered separately or in the case of the purchase of a single good composed of several lots or pieces delivered separately, the withdrawal period expires after 14 days from the day on which the user or a third party - from them appointed and other than the courier – takes possession of the last of the goods, lots or pieces.

Effects of withdrawal

The Owner refunds all payments received including, if made, those relating to delivery costs to users who have correctly exercised the right of withdrawal.

However, the increased cost resulting from choosing a particular delivery method other than the cheapest standard delivery offered by the Owner will remain the responsibility of the user.

The refund takes place without undue delay and in any case within 14 days from the day on which the Owner was informed of the user's decision to withdraw from the contract. Unless otherwise agreed with the user, the refund is made using the same payment method used for the initial transaction. The user does not have to bear any costs as a consequence of the withdrawal.

... on contracts for the purchase of tangible goods

Unless the Owner has offered to collect the goods, the user is required to return them to the Owner or to another person authorized by them to receive them without undue delay and in any case within 14 days from the day on which he communicated his intention to withdraw from the contract.

The deadline is respected if the delivery of the goods to the courier or other authorized person occurs before the expiry of the 14 day period described above. The refund may be withheld until the goods are received or until the user has provided proof of having returned them.

The user is responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from a use of the goods other than that necessary to establish their nature, characteristics and functioning.

Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the user.

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